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de.unika.ipd.grGen.libGr Namespace

Public classActionCall
An object representing an action call. To be built by the user and used at API level to carry out multi action calls.
Public classActionNames
For sequence handling, contains the names of the different kinds of actions (plus a bit further information)
Public classActionProfile
A class for collecting an action profile, accumulating per-action statistics, over all applications of the corresponding rule or test
Public classActionsTypeInformation
For sequence handling, contains type information (plus a bit further information) about the different kinds of actions
Public classAnnotations
Public classAssignmentTarget
An assignment target object with references to used sequence computations.
Public classAssignmentTargetAttribute
Public classAssignmentTargetAttributeIndexed
Public classAssignmentTargetIndexedVar
Public classAssignmentTargetVar
Public classAssignmentTargetVisited
Public classAssignmentTargetYieldingVar
Public classAttributeIndexDescription
The description of a single attribute index.
Public classAttributeType
Describes a GrGen attribute.
Public classBaseActions
A partial implementation of the interface to the actions.
Public classBaseGraph
A partial implementation of the IGraph interface. Adding some methods implemented over the IGraph interface (some convenience stuff).
Public classBaseObjectType
A representation of a GrGen base object type, i.e. class of internal non-node/edge values.
Public classCompliantUserProxyForSequenceExecution
A proxy simulating an always compliant user for choices during sequence execution, always returns the suggested choice. Used for sequence execution without debugger.
Public classContainerHelper
Public classDefinedSequenceInfo
Represents a sequence definition.
Public classDequeT
Class implementing a Double Ended Queue. Items can be added and removed in O(1) at the beginning and at the end, and accessed at an arbitrary index in O(1). Implemented by a ring buffer that is doubled in size (and the old content copied) when necessary (so insert is only amortized O(1)).
Public classDOTDumper
A VCG graph dumper.
Public classDumpInfo
A description of how to dump a graph.
Public classEdgeType
A representation of a GrGen edge type.
Public classEmbeddedSequenceInfo
Represents an XGRS used in an exec statement.
Public classEmitHelper
Public classEnumAttributeType
A description of a GrGen enum type.
Public classEnumMember
A description of a GrGen enum member.
Public classExternalDefinedSequenceInfo
Represents a sequence definition implemented externally.
Public classExternalObjectType
A representation of an external object type registered with GrGen. The bottom type of the external object type hierarchy that is always available is type object (not to be mistaken with type Object, the bottom type of the internal object type hierarchy).
Public classFilterCall
Base class for objects representing a filter call (of an action filter or a match class filter), distinguished into filter calls with arguments and lambda expression filter calls.
Public classFilterCallWithArguments
An object representing a filter call (of an action filter or a match class filter). To be built by the user and used at API level to carry out filter calls.
Public classFilterCallWithLambdaExpression
An object representing a lambda expression filter call, employing a filter containing a lambda sequence expression on the matches array (stemming from an action or a match class). Built by the sequence parser, may be built by the user at API level (employing the sequence expression parser, or potentially building the sequence expression directly), in order to carry out lambda expression filter calls (currently supported ("package prefixed") filter names: removeIf, assign<match-element-name>).
Public classFunctionInfo
A description of a GrGen (attribute evaluation) function.
Public classGraphDumper
Public classGraphElementType
A representation of a GrGen graph element type.
Public classGraphExportContext
Public classGraphHelper
Public classGraphValidator
Public classGrGenType
A representation of a GrGen type.
Public classGRGExport
Exports graphs in GRG format, i.e. as GrGen rules.
Public classGroupNodeType
Specifies which nodes are grouped by this group node type.
Public classGRSExport
Exports graphs to the GRS format.
Public classGRSImport
Imports graphs from files in GRS format. Implementation note: this is a boring hand written lexer and parser, needed because the lexer/parser generated by CSharpCC that was replaced by it fired a multitude of "LookaheadSuccess"-exceptions, wreaking havoc on performance.
Public classGXLExport
Exports graphs to the GXL format.
Public classGXLImport
Imports graphs from the GXL format.
Public classIncidenceCountIndexDescription
The description of a single incidence count index.
Public classIndexDescription
The description of a single index, base for all kinds of index descriptions. (You must typecheck and cast to the concrete description type for more information).
Public classInfoTag
Represents an info tag.
Public classInheritanceType
A representation of a GrGen inheritance type.
Public classMainGraphExportContext
Public classMatchClassFilterer
An object that allows to filter the matches obtained from multiple actions (based on shared pattern elements contained in a match class), (potentially employed by the multi rule all call or multi backtracking sequences).
Public classMatchClassInfo
Public classMatchedElementsValidityChecker
Public classMatchListHelper
A helper class used in flattening an array of Matches objects (containing Match objects) to an array of Match objects, and handling an array of Match objects (as it is used by the multi rule all call and multi backtracking language constructs).
Public classMatchPrinter
Public classMathHelper
Public classNodeType
A representation of a GrGen node type.
Public classObjectType
A representation of a GrGen object type, i.e. class of internal non-node/edge values.
Public classOrderingComparer
Public classPatternMatchingConstruct
A compiled sequence construct that allows to match patterns (most also allow to rewrite them). Utilized in begin and end events to tell about the construct that started or ended.
Public classPerformanceInfo
An object accumulating information about needed time, number of found matches and number of performed rewrites.
Public classPorter
Import and export support for graphs.
Public classProcedureInfo
A description of a GrGen (attribute evaluation) procedure.
Public classProfileAverages
A class for collecting average information, for profiling, per thread that was used in matching (so in case of a normal single threaded action the values characterize the action)
Public classRecorder
A class for recording changes (and their causes) applied to a graph into a file, so that they can get replayed.
Public classSequence
A sequence object with references to child sequences. A sequence is basically a rule application or a computation, or an operator combining them.
Public classSequenceAndAssignSequenceResultToVar
Public classSequenceAssignConstToVar
Public classSequenceAssignContainerConstructorToVar
Public classSequenceAssignObjectConstructorToVar
Public classSequenceAssignRandomDoubleToVar
Public classSequenceAssignRandomIntToVar
Public classSequenceAssignSequenceResultToVar
Public classSequenceAssignToVar
A sequence which assigns something to a destination variable.
Public classSequenceAssignUserInputToVar
Public classSequenceAssignVarToVar
Public classSequenceBacktrack
Public classSequenceBase
The common base of sequence, sequence computation, and sequence expression objects, with some common infrastructure.
Public classSequenceBinary
A sequence consisting of a binary operator and two sequences. Decision on order of execution by random, by user choice possible.
Public classSequenceBinaryExpression
A sequence binary expression object with references to the left and right child sequence expressions.
Public classSequenceBooleanComputation
Public classSequenceCheckingEnvironment
Environment for sequence type checking (with/giving access to model and action signatures). Abstract base class, there are two concrete subclasses, one for interpreted, one for compiled sequences.
Public classSequenceCheckingEnvironmentCompiled
Environment for sequence type checking (with/giving access to model and action signatures). Concrete subclass for compiled sequences.
Public classSequenceCheckingEnvironmentInterpreted
Environment for sequence type checking (with/giving access to model and action signatures). Concrete subclass for interpreted sequences.
Public classSequenceComputation
A sequence computation object with references to child sequence computations. The computations are basically: visited flags management, container manipulation, assignments and special functions; they may or may not return values. They do change things, in contrast to the side-effect free sequence expressions.
Public classSequenceComputationAssert
Public classSequenceComputationAssignment
Public classSequenceComputationBuiltinProcedureCall
Public classSequenceComputationContainer
A sequence computation on a container object (resulting from a variable or a method call; yielding a container object again)
Public classSequenceComputationContainerAdd
Public classSequenceComputationContainerAddAll
Public classSequenceComputationContainerClear
Public classSequenceComputationContainerRem
Public classSequenceComputationDebug
Public classSequenceComputationDebugAdd
Public classSequenceComputationDebugEmit
Public classSequenceComputationDebugHalt
Public classSequenceComputationDebugHighlight
Public classSequenceComputationDebugRem
Public classSequenceComputationDeleteFile
Public classSequenceComputationEmit
Public classSequenceComputationExport
Public classSequenceComputationGetEquivalentOrAdd
Public classSequenceComputationGraphAdd
Public classSequenceComputationGraphAddCopy
Public classSequenceComputationGraphClear
Public classSequenceComputationGraphMerge
Public classSequenceComputationGraphRedirectSource
Public classSequenceComputationGraphRedirectSourceAndTarget
Public classSequenceComputationGraphRedirectTarget
Public classSequenceComputationGraphRem
Public classSequenceComputationGraphRetype
Public classSequenceComputationInsert
Public classSequenceComputationInsertCopy
Public classSequenceComputationInsertDefined
Public classSequenceComputationInsertInduced
Public classSequenceComputationProcedureCall
Public classSequenceComputationProcedureCallCompiled
Public classSequenceComputationProcedureCallInterpreted
Public classSequenceComputationProcedureMethodCall
Public classSequenceComputationRecord
Public classSequenceComputationSynchronizationEnter
Public classSequenceComputationSynchronizationExit
Public classSequenceComputationSynchronizationTryEnter
Public classSequenceComputationThen
Public classSequenceComputationVAlloc
Public classSequenceComputationVariableDeclaration
Public classSequenceComputationVFree
Public classSequenceComputationVReset
Public classSequenceDeclareVariable
Public classSequenceDefinition
A sequence representing a sequence definition. It must be applied with a different method than the other sequences because it requires the parameter information.
Public classSequenceDefinitionCompiled
A sequence representing a compiled sequence definition. The generated subclass contains the method implementing the real sequence, and ApplyImpl calling that method mapping SequenceInvocationParameterBindings to the exact parameters of that method.
Public classSequenceDefinitionInterpreted
An sequence representing an interpreted sequence definition. Like the other sequences it can be directly interpreted (but with a different apply method), in contrast to the others it always must be the root sequence.
Public classSequenceDummy
A dummy sequence to be used in contexts where a sequence is needed formally but not available (null-element/guard).
Public classSequenceExecuteInSubgraph
Public classSequenceExpression
A sequence expression object with references to child sequence expressions. A sequence expression is a side effect free computation returning a value (a query).
Public classSequenceExpressionAdjacentIncident
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayAnd
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayAsDeque
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayAsMap
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayAsString
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayAvg
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayByAttributeAccess
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayByAttributeAccessIndexOf
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayCopyConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayDev
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayExtract
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayGroup
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayGroupBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayIndexOfBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayIndexOfOrdered
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayIndexOfOrderedBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayKeepOneForEach
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayKeepOneForEachBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayLastIndexOfBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayMap
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayMapStartWithAccumulateBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayMax
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayMed
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayMedUnordered
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayMin
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOr
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOrDequeAsSet
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOrDequeOrStringIndexOf
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOrDequeOrStringLastIndexOf
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOrderAscending
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOrderAscendingBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOrderDescending
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayOrderDescendingBy
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayProd
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayRemoveIf
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayReverse
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayShuffle
Public classSequenceExpressionArraySubarray
Public classSequenceExpressionArraySum
Public classSequenceExpressionArrayVar
Public classSequenceExpressionAttributeAccess
Public classSequenceExpressionAttributeOrMatchAccess
Public classSequenceExpressionBitwiseComplement
Public classSequenceExpressionBoundedReachable
Public classSequenceExpressionBoundedReachableWithRemainingDepth
Public classSequenceExpressionCanonize
Public classSequenceExpressionCast
Public classSequenceExpressionConditional
Public classSequenceExpressionConstant
Public classSequenceExpressionConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionContainer
A sequence expression over a container object (resulting from a variable or a method call)
Public classSequenceExpressionContainerAccess
Public classSequenceExpressionContainerAsArray
Public classSequenceExpressionContainerConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionContainerEmpty
Public classSequenceExpressionContainerPeek
Public classSequenceExpressionContainerSize
Public classSequenceExpressionCopy
Public classSequenceExpressionCountAdjacentIncident
Public classSequenceExpressionCountBoundedReachable
Public classSequenceExpressionCountEdges
Public classSequenceExpressionCountNodes
Public classSequenceExpressionCountReachable
Public classSequenceExpressionDef
Public classSequenceExpressionDefinedSubgraph
Public classSequenceExpressionDequeConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionDequeCopyConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionDequeSubdeque
Public classSequenceExpressionDiv
Public classSequenceExpressionEdgeByName
Public classSequenceExpressionEdgeByUnique
Public classSequenceExpressionEdges
Public classSequenceExpressionElementFromGraph
Public classSequenceExpressionEmpty
Public classSequenceExpressionEqual
Public classSequenceExpressionEqualsAny
Public classSequenceExpressionExcept
Public classSequenceExpressionExecutionHelper
The sequence expression execution helper selects and executes the correct version of an operator based on the target and argument types. It is employed at runtime for sequence operator implementation, or at compile time in case the type is not known statically.
Public classSequenceExpressionExistsFile
Public classSequenceExpressionFunctionCall
Public classSequenceExpressionFunctionCallCompiled
Public classSequenceExpressionFunctionCallInterpreted
Public classSequenceExpressionFunctionMethodCall
Public classSequenceExpressionGetEquivalent
Public classSequenceExpressionGraphQuery
Public classSequenceExpressionGreater
Public classSequenceExpressionGreaterEqual
Public classSequenceExpressionImport
Public classSequenceExpressionInContainerOrString
Public classSequenceExpressionInducedSubgraph
Public classSequenceExpressionIsAdjacentIncident
Public classSequenceExpressionIsBoundedReachable
Public classSequenceExpressionIsReachable
Public classSequenceExpressionIsVisited
Public classSequenceExpressionLazyAnd
Public classSequenceExpressionLazyOr
Public classSequenceExpressionLower
Public classSequenceExpressionLowerEqual
Public classSequenceExpressionMapConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionMapCopyConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionMapDomain
Public classSequenceExpressionMappingClause
Public classSequenceExpressionMapRange
Public classSequenceExpressionMatchAccess
Public classSequenceExpressionMatchClassConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionMathAbs
Public classSequenceExpressionMathArcCos
Public classSequenceExpressionMathArcSin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathArcTan
Public classSequenceExpressionMathByteMax
Public classSequenceExpressionMathByteMin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathCeil
Public classSequenceExpressionMathCos
Public classSequenceExpressionMathDoubleMax
Public classSequenceExpressionMathDoubleMin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathE
Public classSequenceExpressionMathFloatMax
Public classSequenceExpressionMathFloatMin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathFloor
Public classSequenceExpressionMathIntMax
Public classSequenceExpressionMathIntMin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathLog
Public classSequenceExpressionMathLongMax
Public classSequenceExpressionMathLongMin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathMax
Public classSequenceExpressionMathMin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathPi
Public classSequenceExpressionMathPow
Public classSequenceExpressionMathRound
Public classSequenceExpressionMathSgn
Public classSequenceExpressionMathShortMax
Public classSequenceExpressionMathShortMin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathSin
Public classSequenceExpressionMathSqr
Public classSequenceExpressionMathSqrt
Public classSequenceExpressionMathTan
Public classSequenceExpressionMathTruncate
Public classSequenceExpressionMinus
Public classSequenceExpressionMod
Public classSequenceExpressionMul
Public classSequenceExpressionMultiRuleQuery
Public classSequenceExpressionNameof
Public classSequenceExpressionNew
Public classSequenceExpressionNodeByName
Public classSequenceExpressionNodeByUnique
Public classSequenceExpressionNodes
Public classSequenceExpressionNot
Public classSequenceExpressionNotEqual
Public classSequenceExpressionNow
Public classSequenceExpressionOpposite
Public classSequenceExpressionPlus
Public classSequenceExpressionRandom
Public classSequenceExpressionReachable
Public classSequenceExpressionRuleQuery
Public classSequenceExpressionScan
Public classSequenceExpressionSetConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionSetCopyConstructor
Public classSequenceExpressionShiftLeft
Public classSequenceExpressionShiftRight
Public classSequenceExpressionShiftRightUnsigned
Public classSequenceExpressionSize
Public classSequenceExpressionSource
Public classSequenceExpressionStrictAnd
Public classSequenceExpressionStrictOr
Public classSequenceExpressionStrictXor
Public classSequenceExpressionStringAsArray
Public classSequenceExpressionStringEndsWith
Public classSequenceExpressionStringLength
Public classSequenceExpressionStringReplace
Public classSequenceExpressionStringStartsWith
Public classSequenceExpressionStringSubstring
Public classSequenceExpressionStringToLower
Public classSequenceExpressionStringToUpper
Public classSequenceExpressionStructuralEqual
Public classSequenceExpressionTarget
Public classSequenceExpressionThis
Public classSequenceExpressionTryScan
Public classSequenceExpressionTypeHelper
The sequence expression type helper contains code for operator type balancing, i.e. determining the correct version(/implementation) of an operator. It is used in type checking, and implementation selection (esp. meaning apropriate casting of the arguments), at runtime (SequenceExpressionExecutionHelper) as well as compile time (SequenceExpressionGeneratorHelper).
Public classSequenceExpressionTypeof
Public classSequenceExpressionUnaryMinus
Public classSequenceExpressionUnaryPlus
Public classSequenceExpressionUniqueof
Public classSequenceExpressionVariable
Public classSequenceFilterCall
Public classSequenceFilterCallBase
Public classSequenceFilterCallCompiled
A sequence representing a filter call at compile time (of an action filter or a match class filter). It specifies the filter and potential arguments. Only used internally for code generation.
Public classSequenceFilterCallInterpreted
Public classSequenceFilterCallLambdaExpression
Public classSequenceFilterCallLambdaExpressionCompiled
A sequence representing a lambda expression filter call at compile time (of an action filter or a match class filter). It specifies the filter and optionally a target entity (plus the lambda expression and the per-element variables - in the parent class). Only used internally for code generation.
Public classSequenceFilterCallLambdaExpressionInterpreted
Public classSequenceForContainer
Public classSequenceForFunction
Public classSequenceForIndexAccessEquality
Public classSequenceForIndexAccessOrdering
Public classSequenceForIntegerRange
Public classSequenceForMatch
Public classSequenceGeneralNAry
A sequence consisting of a list of subsequences. Decision on order of execution always by random, by user choice possible.
Public classSequenceIfThen
Public classSequenceIfThenElse
Public classSequenceIterationMin
Public classSequenceIterationMinMax
Public classSequenceLazyAnd
Public classSequenceLazyAndAll
Public classSequenceLazyOr
Public classSequenceLazyOrAll
Public classSequenceLock
Public classSequenceMultiBacktrack
Public classSequenceMultiRuleAllCall
A sequence consisting of a list of subsequences in the form of rule calls. First all the contained rules are matched, then they get rewritten.
Public classSequenceMultiRulePrefixedSequence
Public classSequenceMultiSequenceBacktrack
Public classSequenceNAry
A sequence consisting of a list of subsequences. Decision on order of execution always by random, by user choice possible.
Public classSequenceNot
Public classSequenceOrAssignSequenceResultToVar
Public classSequenceParallel
Public classSequenceParallelArrayExecute
Public classSequenceParallelExecute
Public classSequenceParserException
An exception thrown by SequenceParser, describing the error, e.g. which rule caused the problem and how it was used
Public classSequenceParserExceptionCallIssue
Public classSequenceParserExceptionCallParameterIssue
Public classSequenceParserExceptionFilterError
Public classSequenceParserExceptionFilterLambdaExpressionError
Public classSequenceParserExceptionFilterParameterError
Public classSequenceParserExceptionIndexConflictingNames
Public classSequenceParserExceptionIndexIssue
Public classSequenceParserExceptionIndexTwoLowerBounds
Public classSequenceParserExceptionIndexTwoUpperBounds
Public classSequenceParserExceptionIndexUnknownAccessDirection
Public classSequenceParserExceptionMatchClassNotImplemented
Public classSequenceParserExceptionOperatorNotFound
Public classSequenceParserExceptionSubgraphError
Public classSequenceParserExceptionTypeMismatch
Public classSequenceParserExceptionUnknownAttribute
Public classSequenceParserExceptionUnknownMatchClass
Public classSequenceParserExceptionUnknownMatchMember
Public classSequenceParserExceptionUnknownPatternElement
Public classSequenceParserExceptionUserMethodsOnlyAvailableForInheritanceTypes
Public classSequencePause
Public classSequenceRuleAllCall
Public classSequenceRuleAllCallCompiled
Public classSequenceRuleAllCallInterpreted
Public classSequenceRuleCall
Public classSequenceRuleCallCompiled
Public classSequenceRuleCallInterpreted
Public classSequenceRuleCountAllCall
Public classSequenceRuleCountAllCallCompiled
Public classSequenceRuleCountAllCallInterpreted
Public classSequenceRulePrefixedSequence
Public classSequenceSequenceCall
Public classSequenceSequenceCallCompiled
Public classSequenceSequenceCallInterpreted
Public classSequenceSomeFromSet
A sequence consisting of a list of subsequences in the form of rule calls (and inherited rule all and count rule all calls). Decision on order of execution by random, by user choice possible. First all the contained rules are matched, then they get rewritten
Public classSequenceSpecial
A Sequence with a Special flag.
Public classSequenceStrictAnd
Public classSequenceStrictAndAll
Public classSequenceStrictOr
Public classSequenceStrictOrAll
Public classSequenceThenLeft
Public classSequenceThenRight
Public classSequenceTransaction
Public classSequenceUnary
A sequence consisting of a unary operator and another sequence.
Public classSequenceVariable
A variable declared/used within a sequence, might be a sequence-local variable or a reference to a graph-global variable. It is first stored within the symbol table belonging to the sequence on sequence parsing, after parsing only on the heap, with references from the sequence AST pointing to it.
Public classSequenceWeightedOne
Public classSequenceXor
Public classSetT
Set class only used by the dumping code. The value of this class is questionable...
Public classSetValueType
A dummy type used as value type for dictionaries representing sets.
Public classSingleLinkedListT
Public classSymbolTable
class of symbol table containing the variables declared in the sequence variables might be implicitely(graph-global) or explicitely(sequence-local) declared
Public classSymmetryChecker
A class which contains the AreSymmetric function to check to matches of a pattern for being symmetric, i.e. to be matches of a pattern which is automorph to itself.
Public classTransientObjectType
A representation of a GrGen transient object type, i.e. class of internal non-node/edge values.
Public classTypesHelper
The TypesHelper in this file contains code that creates or handles .net / C# types, as name strings or Type objects
Public classUberEstimator
The Über-Statistical-Estimator implementing a staged, present leaning, truncated average. Staged similar to the remedian for efficient computation in case of a large number of samples, present leaning with weights to get a preference for more current values, going into the direction of a sliding average, truncated average to achieve resilience against outliers (compared to the average), and to not underestimate the volume (compared to the median in case about half of the values are small).
Public classValidateInfo
A representation of a GrGen connection assertion. Used by BaseGraph.Validate().
Public classVariable
A named global variable.
Public classVarType
A representation of a GrGen variable type.
Public classVCGDumper
A VCG graph dumper.
Public classXMIExport
Exports graphs to the XMI format (assuming a matching ecore exists).
Public structureConnectionAssertionError
A description of an error, found during the validation process.
Protected structureGXLExportAttr
Public structureParallelExecutionBegin
helper object to passively report parallel sequence executions about to be begun, comprising esp. the processing environment that was created in order to execute it (in parallel)
Public structureRange
Describes a range with a minimum and a maximum value. Currently not used, was added for G# (integration of graph rewriting/GrGen into C# compiler) - TODO/potential use: ranges in validation, maybe loops
Public interfaceFilterInvocation
An interface representing a filter invocation.
Public interfaceFunctionInvocation
An interface representing a function invocation.
Public interfaceIAction
An object representing an executable rule.
Public interfaceIActionCore
An object representing an executable rule. The core functions used by the sequences/GrGen itself, the IAction interface contains a lot more convenience helper functions for direct rule application that could be used from own code (and are a bit faster due to missing debug events).
Public interfaceIActionExecutionEnvironment
An environment for the execution of actions (without embedded sequences). Holds a reference to the current graph.
Public interfaceIActions
The interface to the actions (the "generic" interface, using strings and objects).
Public interfaceIAlternative
An alternative is a pattern graph element containing subpatterns of which one must get successfully matched so that the entire pattern gets matched successfully
Public interfaceIAttributeBearer
An interface to IBaseObject (thus IObject, ITransientObject) and IGraphElement (thus INode and IEdge) types, all bearing attributes
Public interfaceIAttributeIndex
A single attribute index.
Public interfaceIBackend
A helper class for backend independent graph and rule handling.
Public interfaceIBaseObject
A GrGen base object (base for values of internal, non-node/edge classes)
Public interfaceIBaseObjectTypeModel
A type model for base objects (internal non graph-element values), i.e. classes.
Public interfaceICallable
An interface to be implemented by classes that offer callable stateless functions / stateful procedures
Public interfaceIDEdge
A directed GrGen edge
Public interfaceIDeepEqualityComparer
An interface to be implemented by classes whose objects can be compared for deep attribute value equality This excludes structures with shortcuts and cycles (acyclic and cyclic graphs), only classes without further nesting, or lists, or trees are supported.
Public interfaceIDeque
Interface of a Double Ended Queue. (Why is there none in the .NET collection library?)
Public interfaceIDumper
A dumper for output of graphs.
Public interfaceIEdge
A GrGen edge (arbitrary direction)
Public interfaceIEdgeModel
A type model for edges, i.e. edge classes.
Public interfaceIFilter
A description of a filter of a rule or match class
Public interfaceIFilterAutoGenerated
A description of an auto-generated filter
Public interfaceIFilterAutoSupplied
A description of an auto-supplied filter
Public interfaceIFilterFunction
A description of a filter function
Public interfaceIFunctionDefinition
An object representing an executable function.
Public interfaceIGlobalVariables
The global variables shared by the graph processing environments.
Public interfaceIGraph
An attributed, typed and directed multigraph with multiple inheritance on node and edge types.
Public interfaceIGraphElement
A GrGen graph element
Public interfaceIGraphElementTypeModel
A type model for node or edge elements.
Public interfaceIGraphModel
A model of a GrGen graph.
Public interfaceIGraphProcessingEnvironment
An environment for the advanced processing of graphs and the execution of sequences. With global variables, (sub)graph switching, and transaction management.
Public interfaceIIncidenceCountIndex
A single incidence count index.
Public interfaceIIndex
Base class for a single index, the different kinds of indices. (You must typecheck and cast to the concrete index type for more information).
Public interfaceIIndexSet
The index set applied on a graph.
Public interfaceIIterated
An iterated is a pattern graph element containing the subpattern to be matched iteratively and the information how much matches are needed for success and how much matches to obtain at most
Public interfaceIMatch
Base class of classes representing matches. One exact match class is generated per pattern.
Public interfaceIMatchClass
An object representing the shared elements from the patterns of several actions. (Match classes allow via their Filterer implementation part to filter the matches obtained from multiple actions (potentially employed by the multi rule all call or multi backtracking sequences)).
Public interfaceIMatches
An object representing a (possibly empty) set of matches in a graph before the rewrite has been applied. If it is a match of an action, it is returned by IAction.Match() and given to the OnMatchedBeforeFiltering and OnMatchedAfterFiltering events. Otherwise it's the match of an iterated-pattern, and the producing action is null.
Public interfaceIMatchesExactMatchInterface
An object representing a (possibly empty) set of matches in a graph before the rewrite has been applied, capable of handing out enumerators of exact match interface type.
Public interfaceIMatchingPattern
A description of a GrGen matching pattern, that's a subpattern/subrule or the base for some rule.
Public interfaceINamed
Represents a named entity/type that may be contained in a package. (Packages were added late during development, with the constraint to stay compatible, and intentionally as 2nd class citizens, confined to one nesting level, and without explicit object representing them.) ("Overrides" by "new" in inherited interfaces are for comment refinement only.)
Public interfaceINamedGraph
An named IGraph (which is an attributed, typed and directed multigraph with multiple inheritance on node and edge types), with a unique name assigned to each node and edge; allowing to access an element by name and a name by element.
Public interfaceINode
A GrGen node
Public interfaceINodeModel
A type model for nodes, i.e. node classes.
Public interfaceInvocation
An interface representing a rule or sequence or procedure or function or filter invocation.
Public interfaceIObject
A GrGen object (value of internal, non-node/edge class)
Public interfaceIObjectModel
A type model for objects (internal non graph-element values), i.e. classes.
Public interfaceIPatternEdge
A pattern edge of a rule pattern.
Public interfaceIPatternElement
An element of a rule pattern.
Public interfaceIPatternGraph
A pattern graph.
Public interfaceIPatternGraphEmbedding
Embedding of a subpattern into it's containing pattern
Public interfaceIPatternMatchingConstruct
A sequence construct that allows to match patterns (most also allow to rewrite them). Utilized in begin and end events to tell about the construct that started or ended; to be type checked against the concrete construct as needed, e.g. SequenceExpressionRuleQuery or SequenceMultiRuleAllCall from interpreted sequences, or PatternMatchingConstruct from compiled sequences.
Public interfaceIPatternNode
A pattern node of a rule pattern.
Public interfaceIPatternVariable
A pattern variable of a rule pattern.
Public interfaceIProcedureDefinition
An object representing an executable procedure.
Public interfaceIRecorder
An interface for recording changes (and their causes) applied to a graph into a file, so that they can get replayed.
Public interfaceIRulePattern
A description of a GrGen rule.
Public interfaceISequenceDefinition
An object representing an executable sequence. Implemented by SequenceDefinitionInterpreted inheriting from SequenceDefinition, in the Sequences file, for sequences registered at runtime, and by the generated class inheriting from SequenceDefinitionCompiled inheriting from SequenceDefinition, for sequences already available at compile time. Embedded execs are employed directly by their rules, have only an EmbeddedSequenceInfo as representation (without capability of getting called, this occurs only directly in the generated code).
Public interfaceISequenceSpecial
A Sequence Base with a Special flag.
Public interfaceISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment
An environment extending basic action execution with subaction debugging, plus subgraph nesting, and output -- for one textual emits, and for the other graph change recording.
Public interfaceITransactionManager
An interface for managing graph transactions.
Public interfaceITransientObject
A GrGen transient object (value of internal, non-node/edge class)
Public interfaceITransientObjectModel
A type model for transient objects (internal non graph-element values), i.e. classes.
Public interfaceITyped
An interface to be implemented by classes whose objects are InheritanceType-typed
Public interfaceITypeModel
A type model for nodes or edges or objects or transient objects (of node classes, edge classes, internal classes, internal transient classes).
Public interfaceIUEdge
An undirected GrGen edge
Public interfaceIUndoItem
An interface for undo items of the transaction manager. Allows to register own ones for external types, will be called on rollback.
Public interfaceIUniquenessHandler
Base class for uniqueness handlers, only needed as a kind of handle on libGr level, to transfer real implementation objects.
Public interfaceIUserProxyForSequenceExecution
A proxy querying or simulating a user for choices during sequence execution TODO: general user proxy, not just for sequence execution
Public interfaceMethodFunctionInvocation
An interface representing a method function invocation (both runtime and compile time).
Public interfaceMethodProcedureInvocation
An interface representing a method procedure invocation (both runtime and compile time).
Public interfaceProcedureInvocation
An interface representing a procedure invocation.
Public interfaceRuleInvocation
An interface representing a rule invocation.
Public interfaceSequenceInvocation
An interface representing a sequence invocation (of a defined thus named thus callable sequence).
Public interfaceSequenceRandomChoice
A Sequence with a random decision which might be interactively overriden by a user choice.
Public delegateBeginExecutionHandler
Represents a method called when execution of a pattern matching construct begins.
Public delegateChangedEdgeAttributeHandler
Represents a method called after an edge attribute was changed (for debugging, omitted in case of nodebugevents).
Public delegateChangedNodeAttributeHandler
Represents a method called after a node attribute was changed (for debugging, omitted in case of nodebugevents).
Public delegateChangingEdgeAttributeHandler
Represents a method called just before an edge attribute is changed, with exact information about the change to occur, to allow rollback of changes, in case a transaction is underway.
Public delegateChangingNodeAttributeHandler
Represents a method called just before a node attribute is changed, with exact information about the change to occur, to allow rollback of changes, in case a transaction is underway.
Public delegateChangingObjectAttributeHandler
Represents a method called just before an object attribute is changed, with exact information about the change to occur, to allow rollback of changes, in case a transaction is underway.
Public delegateClearingGraphHandler
Represents a method called before a graph is cleared.
Public delegateDebugEmitHandler
Represents a method called by the user to emit debugging information, not halting execution. (Stored on the debug traces stack, removed when its directly nesting debug enter is exited.)
Public delegateDebugEnterHandler
Represents a method called directly after a computation has been entered (for tracing/debugging purpose). Applying user-defined computation borders, or e.g. auto-generated rule eval or procedure call borders; but not interpreted sequences, they receive dedicated treatement in the graph processing environment, are debugged directly.
Public delegateDebugExitHandler
Represents a method called directly before a computation is left (for tracing/debugging purpose). Applying user-defined computation borders, or e.g. auto-generated rule eval or procedure call borders; but not interpreted sequences, they receive dedicated treatement in the graph processing environment, are debugged directly.
Public delegateDebugHaltHandler
Represents a method called by the user to halt execution, emitting some debugging information.
Public delegateDebugHighlightHandler
Represents a method called by the user to highlight some elements in the graph, halting execution.
Public delegateEdgeAddedHandler
Represents a method called, when an edge has been added.
Public delegateEdgeTypeAppearanceChangedHandler
Public delegateElementNameGetter
Public delegateEndExecutionHandler
Represents a method called when execution of a pattern matching construct ends.
Public delegateEndOfIterationHandler
Represents a method called when a loop iteration is ended.
Public delegateEnterSequenceHandler
Represents a method called directly after a sequence base has been entered (sequence base comprises sequences, sequence computations, sequence expressions).
Public delegateExitSequenceHandler
Represents a method called before a sequence base is left (sequence base comprises sequences, sequence computations, sequence expressions).
Public delegateFinishedHandler
Represents a method called after the rewrite step of a rule or multi construct.
Public delegateFinishedSelectedMatchHandler
Represents a method called after the selected match was rewritten.
Public delegateJoinSequencesHandler
Represents a method called directly after sequences have joined (again) their parent thread.
Public delegateMatchedAfterFilteringHandler
Represents a method called after all requested matches of a multi action or action have been matched, after filtering (single element arrays in case of a single rule/test application).
Public delegateMatchedBeforeFilteringHandler
Represents a method called after all requested matches of a multi action or an action have been matched, before filtering (single element array in case of a single rule/test application).
Public delegateMatchSelectedHandler
Represents a method called when a match has been selected for execution.
Public delegateNodeAddedHandler
Represents a method called, when a node has been added.
Public delegateNodeTypeAppearanceChangedHandler
Public delegateObjectCreatedHandler
Represents a method called, when an object has been created.
Public delegateRedirectingEdgeHandler
Represents a method called before an edge is redirected (i.e. will be removed soon and added again immediately thereafter).
Public delegateRemovingEdgeHandler
Represents a method called before a edge is removed.
Public delegateRemovingEdgesHandler
Represents a method called before all edges of a node are removed.
Public delegateRemovingNodeHandler
Represents a method called before a node is removed.
Public delegateReturnFromSubgraphHandler
Represents a method called directly after graph processing returned back (from a previous switch). (To the main graph, or a subgraph previously switched to. Graph processing means rule and sequence execution.)
Public delegateRetypingEdgeHandler
Represents a method called before an edge is retyped.
Public delegateRetypingNodeHandler
Represents a method called before a node is retyped.
Public delegateRewriteSelectedMatchHandler
Represents a method called before the selected match is rewritten (comparable to the old BeforeFinishHandler and RewriteNextMatchHandler, now one event, fired per selected match).
Public delegateSelectedMatchRewrittenHandler
Represents a method called after the selected match was rewritten (but before embedded execs/emits are executed).
Public delegateSettingAddedElementNamesHandler
Delegate-type called shortly before elements are added to the graph, with the names of the elements added.
Public delegateSettingVisitedHandler
Represents a method called before a visited flag is set to a new value.
Public delegateSpawnSequencesHandler
Represents a method called directly after sequences have been spawned (split off) from their parent thread.
Public delegateSwitchToSubgraphHandler
Represents a method called directly before graph processing switches to a subgraph. (Graph processing means rule and sequence execution. Not called when the main graph is replaced.)
Public delegateTypeInfotagsChangedHandler
Public delegateVisitedAllocHandler
Represents a method called, when a visited flag was allocated.
Public delegateVisitedFreeHandler
Represents a method called, when a visited flag was freed.
Public enumerationAssignmentTargetType
Specifies the assignment target type (the lhs expression).
Public enumerationAttributeChangeType
The changes which might occur to graph element attributes.
Public enumerationAttributeKind
Specifies the kind of a GrGen attribute.
Public enumerationCAEType
Specifies the type of a connection assertion error.
Public enumerationCallIssueType
Specifies the kind of call issue.
Public enumerationCallParameterIssueType
Specifies the kind of call parameter issue.
Public enumerationDefinitionType
Specifies the kind of the name definition.
Public enumerationDirectedness
Specifies the kind of directedness for an EdgeType
Public enumerationDumpMatchSpecial
Specifies how an IMatches object should be dumped.
Public enumerationGrColor
Public enumerationGrElemDumpType
Public enumerationGrLineStyle
Public enumerationGrNodeShape
Public enumerationGroupMode
The supported group modes.
Public enumerationGXLImportThingKind
Public enumerationIncidenceDirection
Public enumerationOrderMethod
Public enumerationPatternMatchingConstructType
Public enumerationProcessSpecFlags
Flags which determine, how the specification file should be processed.
Public enumerationRelOpDirection
Public enumerationScopeType
The possible scope opening types
Public enumerationSequenceComputationType
Specifies the actual subtype of a sequence computation. A new expression type -> you must add the corresponding class down below and adapt the lgspSequenceGenerator.
Public enumerationSequenceExecutionState
States of executing sequence parts: not (yet) executed, execution underway, successful execution, fail execution
Public enumerationSequenceExpressionType
Specifies the actual subtype of a sequence expression. A new expression type -> you must add the corresponding class down below and adapt the lgspSequenceGenerator.
Public enumerationSequenceType
Specifies the actual subtype used for a Sequence. A new sequence type -> you must add the corresponding class down below, and adapt the lgspSequenceGenerator and the Debugger.
Public enumerationValidationMode
The different graph validation modes
Public enumerationVCGFlags
Specifies flags how the graph should be displayed by a graph layouter.