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IGraphProcessingEnvironment Interface

An environment for the advanced processing of graphs and the execution of sequences. With global variables, (sub)graph switching, and transaction management.

Namespace:  de.unika.ipd.grGen.libGr
Assembly:  libGr (in libGr.dll) Version: GrGen.NET 6.7
public interface IGraphProcessingEnvironment : ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment, 

The IGraphProcessingEnvironment type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActions
The actions employed by this graph processing environment
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyBackend
The backend to be used for graph creation when a graph is imported
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyCompliantUserProxy
Returns a non-interactive user proxy just echoing its inputs.
Public propertyCustomCommandsAndDescriptions
The action execution environment dependent commands that are available, and a description of each command.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyEmitWriter
The writer used by emit statements. By default this is Console.Out.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public propertyEmitWriterDebug
The writer used by emitdebug statements. This is Console.Out, and can't be redirected to a file in contrast to the EmitWriter.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public propertyEnableAssertions
Allows to enable/disable assertions and find out about assertion state.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyGraph
Returns the graph currently focused in processing / sequence execution. This may be the initial main graph, or a subgraph switched to, the current top element of the graph usage stack.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyHighlightingUnderway
Tells whether execution is interrupted because a highlight statement was hit. Consequence: the timer that normally prints match statistics every second remains silent
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyIsInSubgraph
Returns true when graph processings is currently occuring inside a subgraph, returns false when the main host graph is currently processed (i.e. only one entry on the current graph stack is existing).
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public propertyItem
Indexer for accessing the variables by name, via index notation on this object.
Public propertyMaxMatches
The maximum number of matches to be returned for a RuleAll sequence element. If it is zero or less, the number of matches is unlimited.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyNamedGraph
Returns the named graph currently focused in processing / sequence execution. Returns null if this graph is not a named but an unnamed graph.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyPerformanceInfo
PerformanceInfo is used to accumulate information about needed time, found matches and applied rewrites. And additionally search steps carried out if profiling instrumentation code was generated. It must not be null. The user is responsible for resetting the PerformanceInfo object. This is typically done at the start of a rewrite sequence, to measure its performance.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public propertyRecorder
The recorder of the main graph. Might be null (is set if a named graph is available, then the persistent names are taken from the named graph).
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public propertyTransactionManager
Returns the transaction manager of the processing environment. (Recording and undoing changes in the main graph and all processed subgraphs). Don't forget to call Commit after a transaction is finished!
Public propertyUserProxy
The user proxy queried for choices during sequence execution. By default the compliant user proxy, if debugging the debugger acting on behalf of/controlled by the user.
Public propertyVariables
Returns an iterator over all available (non-null) variables
Public methodAddEdge(IEdge, String)
Adds an existing IEdge object to the current graph of this processing environment and assigns it to the given variable. The edge must not be part of any graph, yet! Source and target of the edge must already be part of the graph.
Public methodAddEdge(IEdge, String, String)
Adds an existing edge to the graph, names it, and assigns it to the given variable.
Public methodAddEdge(EdgeType, INode, INode, String)
Adds a new edge to the current graph of this processing environment and assigns it to the given variable.
Public methodAddEdge(EdgeType, INode, INode, String, String)
Adds a new named edge to the graph and assigns it to the given variable.
Public methodAddNode(INode, String)
Adds an existing INode object to the current graph of this processing environment and assigns it to the given variable. The node must not be part of any graph, yet! The node may not be connected to any other elements!
Public methodAddNode(NodeType, String)
Adds a new node to the current graph of this processing environment and assigns it to the given variable.
Public methodAddNode(INode, String, String)
Adds an existing node to the graph, names it, and assigns it to the given variable.
Public methodAddNode(NodeType, String, String)
Adds a new named node to the graph and assigns it to the given variable.
Public methodApplyGraphRewriteSequence(String)
Apply a graph rewrite sequence (to the currently associated graph).
Public methodApplyGraphRewriteSequence(Sequence)
Apply a graph rewrite sequence (to the currently associated graph).
Public methodApplyRewrite
Apply a rewrite rule.
Public methodBeginExecution
Fires an OnBeginExecution event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodCustom
Does action execution environment dependent stuff.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodDebugEmitting
Fires an OnDebugEmit event.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public methodDebugEntering
Fires an OnDebugEnter event.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public methodDebugExiting
Fires an OnDebugExit event.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public methodDebugHalting
Fires an OnDebugHalt event.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public methodDebugHighlighting
Fires an OnDebugHighlight event.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public methodEndExecution
Fires an OnEndExecution event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodEndOfIteration
Fires an OnEndOfIteration event. This informs the debugger about the end of a loop iteration, so it can display the state at the end of the iteration.
Public methodEnteringSequence
Fires an OnEnteringSequence event (sequence includes sequence computations and sequence expressions).
Public methodEvaluateGraphRewriteSequenceExpression(String)
Evaluate a graph rewrite sequence expression (on the currently associated graph).
Public methodEvaluateGraphRewriteSequenceExpression(SequenceExpression)
Evaluate a graph rewrite sequence expression (on the currently associated graph).
Public methodExitingSequence
Fires an OnExitingSequence event (sequence includes sequence computations and sequence expressions).
Public methodFilter
Filters the matches of a rule (all) call with a lambda expression filter (call).
Public methodFinished(IMatches, Boolean)
Fires an OnFinished event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodFinished(IMatches, Boolean)
Fires an OnFinished event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodFinishedSelectedMatch
Fires an OnFinishedSelectedMatch event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodGetEdgeVarValue
Retrieves the IEdge for a variable name or null, if the variable isn't set yet or anymore. A InvalidCastException is thrown, if the variable is set and does not point to an IEdge object.
Public methodGetElementVariables
Returns a linked list of variables mapping to the given graph element or null, if no variable points to this element
Public methodGetNewestActionVersion
Retrieves the newest version of an IAction object currently available for this graph. This may be the given object.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodGetNodeVarValue
Retrieves the INode for a variable name or null, if the variable isn't set yet or anymore. A InvalidCastException is thrown, if the variable is set and does not point to an INode object.
Public methodGetVariableValue
Retrieves the object for a variable name or null, if the variable isn't set yet or anymore
Public methodJoinSequences
Fires an OnJoinSequences event.
Public methodMatch
Matches a rewrite rule.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchedAfterFiltering(IMatches, Boolean)
Fires an OnMatchedAfter event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchedAfterFiltering(IMatches, Boolean)
Fires an OnMatchedAfter event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchedBeforeFiltering(IMatches)
Fires an OnMatchedBefore event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchedBeforeFiltering(IMatches)
Fires an OnMatchedBefore event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchForQuery(Boolean, ActionCall)
Matches the rewrite rules, without firing the Matched event, but with firing the PreMatch event and Cloning of the matches (so they can stored, or used in an expression combining multiple queries).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchForQuery(IAction, Object, Int32, Boolean)
Matches a rewrite rule, without firing the Matched event, but with firing the PreMatch event and Cloning of the matches (so they can stored, or used in an expression combining multiple queries like [?r] + [?r], or the action can be called multiple times in a multi rule all call query (on different parameters)).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchSelected
Fires an OnMatchSelected event.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchWithoutEvent(Boolean, ActionCall)
Matches the rewrite rules, without firing the Matched event, but fires the MatchedBeforeFiltering event (for internal or non-debugger use).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodMatchWithoutEvent(IAction, Object, Int32, Boolean)
Matches a rewrite rule, without firing the Matched event (but fires the MatchedBeforeFiltering event - for internal or non-debugger use).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodParallelApplyGraphRewriteSequences(SequenceParallelArrayExecute)
In parallel, apply the graph rewrite sequence (to the given graphs, with the given input values).
Public methodParallelApplyGraphRewriteSequences(SequenceParallelExecute)
In parallel, apply the graph rewrite sequence(s) (to the given graphs, with the given input values).
Public methodParseSequence
Parses the given sequence string and generates a Sequence object. Any actions in the string must refer to actions from the actions contained in this object.
Public methodParseSequenceExpression
Parses the given sequence expression string and generates a SequenceExpression object. Any actions in the string must refer to actions from the actions contained in this object.
Public methodReplace
Executes the modifications of the according rule to the given match/matches. Fires OnRewritingNextMatch events before each rewrite except for the first one.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodReturnFromSubgraph
Returns from the last switch to subgraph. (One level back on the current graph stack.)
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public methodRewritingSelectedMatch
Fires an OnRewritingSelectedMatch event (comparable to the old OnFinishing and OnRewritingNextMatch, now one event, fired per selected match).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodSetNewestActionVersion
Sets the newest action version for a static action.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public methodSetVariableValue
Sets the value of the given variable to the given value. If the variable name is null, this function does nothing. If val is null, the variable is unset.
Public methodSpawnSequences
Fires an OnSpawnSequences event.
Public methodSwitchToSubgraph
Switches the graph to the given (sub)graph. (One level added to the current graph stack.)
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public methodValidateWithSequence(String)
Tests whether the given sequence succeeds on a clone of the associated graph.
Public methodValidateWithSequence(Sequence)
Tests whether the given sequence succeeds on a clone of the associated graph.
Public eventOnBeginExecution
Fired when execution of a pattern matching construct begins.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnDebugEmit
Fired when a debug emit is executed.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnDebugEnter
Fired when a debug entity is entered.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnDebugExit
Fired when a debug entity is left.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnDebugHalt
Fired when a debug halt is executed.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnDebugHighlight
Fired when a debug highlight is executed.
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnEndExecution
Fired when execution of a pattern matching construct ends.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnEndOfIteration
Fired when a sequence iteration is ended.
Public eventOnEntereringSequence
Fired when a sequence is entered.
Public eventOnExitingSequence
Fired when a sequence is left.
Public eventOnFinished
Fired after the rewrite step of a rule/after rule execution has completed. Note, that the given matches object may contain invalid entries, as parts of the match may have been deleted!
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnFinishedSelectedMatch
Fired after the selected match was rewritten and embedded sequences executed.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnJoinSequences
Fired when sequences have joined (again) their parent thread.
Public eventOnMatchedAfter
Fired after all requested matches of a multi rule or rule have been matched (after filtering of matches).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnMatchedBefore
Fired after all requested matches of a multi rule or rule have been matched, before filtering of the matches. Allows a lookahead on the matches, on all found matches, in contrast to OnMatchedAfter that only reports the ones that are applied in the end.
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnMatchSelected
Fired when a match was selected for execution (after filtering/selection of matches).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnReturnedFromSubgraph
Fired when graph processing is returning back after a switch. (To the main graph, or a subgraph previously switched to.)
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnRewritingSelectedMatch
Fired before the selected match is rewritten (comparable to the old OnFinishing and OnRewritingNextMatch, now one event, fired per selected match).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnSelectedMatchRewritten
Fired after the selected match was rewritten (but before embedded sequences are executed).
(Inherited from IActionExecutionEnvironment.)
Public eventOnSpawnSequences
Fired when sequences have been spawned (split off) from their parent thread.
Public eventOnSwitchingToSubgraph
Fired when graph processing (rule and sequence execution) is switched to a (sub)graph. (Not fired when the main graph is replaced by another main graph, or initialized.)
(Inherited from ISubactionAndOutputAdditionEnvironment.)
See Also