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IMatch Interface

Base class of classes representing matches. One exact match class is generated per pattern.

Namespace:  de.unika.ipd.grGen.libGr
Assembly:  libGr (in libGr.dll) Version: GrGen.NET 6.7
public interface IMatch

The IMatch type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlternatives
Enumerable returning enumerator over submatches due to alternatives (most inefficient access)
Public propertyAlternativesEnumerator
Enumerator over submatches due to alternatives. (efficiency in between getAlternativeAt and Alternatives) You can find out which alternative case was matched by inspecting the Pattern member of the submatch.
Public propertyEdges
Enumerable returning enumerator over matched edges (most inefficient access)
Public propertyEdgesEnumerator
Enumerator over matched edges (efficiency in between getEdgeAt and Edges)
Public propertyEmbeddedGraphs
Enumerable returning enumerator over submatches due to subpatterns (most inefficient access)
Public propertyEmbeddedGraphsEnumerator
Enumerator over submatches due to subpatterns (efficiency in between getEmbeddedGraphAt and EmbeddedGraphs)
Public propertyIndependents
Enumerable returning enumerator over submatches due to independents (most inefficient access)
Public propertyIndependentsEnumerator
Enumerator over submatches due to independents. (efficiency in between getIndependentAt and Independents)
Public propertyIterateds
Enumerable returning enumerator over submatches due to iterateds (most inefficient access) The submatch is a list of all matches of the iterated pattern.
Public propertyIteratedsEnumerator
Enumerator over submatches due to iterateds. (efficiency in between getIteratedAt and Iterateds) The submatch is a list of all matches of the iterated pattern.
Public propertyIterationNumber
Helper for parallelized matching, for building the matches list as if it was matched sequentially
Public propertyMatchClass
The match object represents a match of the match class given by this member. Only set in case the match class was created by a constructor, otherwise the pattern is given.
Public propertyMatchOfEnclosingPattern
The match of the enclosing pattern if this is the pattern of a subpattern, alternative, iterated or independent; otherwise null
Public propertyNodes
Enumerable returning enumerator over matched nodes (most inefficient access)
Public propertyNodesEnumerator
Enumerator over matched nodes (efficiency in between getNodeAt and Nodes)
Public propertyNumberOfAlternatives
Number of submatches due to alternatives in the match
Public propertyNumberOfEdges
Number of edges in the match
Public propertyNumberOfEmbeddedGraphs
Number of submatches due to subpatterns in the match
Public propertyNumberOfIndependents
Number of submatches due to independents in the match
Public propertyNumberOfIterateds
Number of submatches due to iterateds in the match. Corresponding to the number of iterated patterns, not the number of matches of some iterated pattern.
Public propertyNumberOfNodes
Number of nodes in the match
Public propertyNumberOfVariables
Number of variables in the match
Public propertyPattern
The match object represents a match of the pattern given by this member. May be null in case of a match class created by a constructor instead of an action.
Public propertyVariables
Enumerable returning enumerator over matched variables (most inefficient access)
Public propertyVariablesEnumerator
Enumerator over matched variables (efficiency in between getVariableAt and Variables)
Public methodClone
Clone the match
Public methodClone(IDictionaryIGraphElement, IGraphElement)
Clone the match, mapping the old graph elements to new graph elements according to the oldToNewMap
Public methodgetAlternative
Returns submatch bound to the pattern alternative of the given name or null if no such pattern alternative exists
Public methodgetAlternativeAt
Returns submatch due to alternatives at position index (most efficient access)
Public methodgetEdge
Returns edge bound to the pattern edge of the given name or null if no such pattern edge exists
Public methodgetEdgeAt
Returns edge at position index (most efficient access)
Public methodgetEmbeddedGraph
Returns submatch bound to the subpattern of the given name or null if no such subpattern exists
Public methodgetEmbeddedGraphAt
Returns submatch due to subpattern at position index (most efficient access)
Public methodgetIndependent
Returns submatch bound to the independent pattern of the given name or null if no such independent pattern exists
Public methodgetIndependentAt
Returns submatch due to independents at position index (most efficient access)
Public methodgetIterated
Returns submatch bound to the iterated pattern of the given name or null if no such iterated pattern exists
Public methodgetIteratedAt
Returns submatch due to iterateds at position index (most efficient access) The submatch is a list of all matches of the iterated pattern.
Public methodGetMember
Returns value bound to the member of the given name or null if no such member exists
Public methodgetNode
Returns node bound to the pattern node of the given name or null if no such pattern node exists
Public methodgetNodeAt
Returns node at position index (most efficient access)
Public methodgetVariable
Returns value bound to the pattern variable of the given name or null if no such pattern variable exists
Public methodgetVariableAt
Returns variable at position index (most efficient access)
Public methodIsMarked
Reads a previously written flag (intially false); helper for symmetry checking
Public methodMark
Writes a flag to the match, which is remembered; helper for symmetry checking
Public methodSetEdge
Public methodSetMember
Sets member value (to be used by post-matches-filtering)
Public methodSetNode
Public methodSetVariable
See Also