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EdgeType Class

A representation of a GrGen edge type.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  de.unika.ipd.grGen.libGr
Assembly:  libGr (in libGr.dll) Version: GrGen.NET 7.0
public abstract class EdgeType : GraphElementType

The EdgeType type exposes the following members.

Protected methodEdgeType
Constructs an EdgeType instance with the given type ID.
Public propertyAnnotations
The annotations of the edge type
Public propertyAttributeTypes
Enumerates all attribute types of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyDirectedness
Specifies the directedness of this edge type.
Public propertyDirectSubTypes
Array containing all direct sub types of this type.
Public propertyDirectSuperTypes
Array containing all direct super types of this type.
Public propertyEdgeClassName
This EdgeType describes edges whose real .NET class type is named as returned (fully qualified). It might be null in case this type IsAbstract.
Public propertyEdgeInterfaceName
This EdgeType describes edges whose real .NET interface type is named as returned (fully qualified).
Public propertyFunctionMethods
Enumerates all function methods of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyHasSubTypes
True, if this type has any sub types.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyHasSuperTypes
True, if this type has any super types, i.e. if it is not the root type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyIsAbstract
True, if this type is an abstract element type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyIsConst
True, if this type is a const element type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyIsNodeType
Always returns false.
(Overrides GraphElementTypeIsNodeType.)
Public propertyName
The name of the type.
(Inherited from GrGenType.)
Public propertyNumAttributes
The number of attributes of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyNumFunctionMethods
The number of function methods of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyNumProcedureMethods
The number of procedure methods of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertyPackage
null if this is a global type, otherwise the package the type is contained in.
(Inherited from GrGenType.)
Public propertyPackagePrefixedName
The name of the type in case of a global type, the name of the type prefixed by the name of the package otherwise.
(Inherited from GrGenType.)
Public propertyProcedureMethods
Enumerates all procedure methods of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertySubOrSameTypes
Array containing this type first and following all sub types
Public propertySubTypes
Enumerates over all real subtypes of this type Warning: You should not use this property, but SubOrSameTypes starting from index 1, because Enumerators in .NET are quite slow!
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public propertySuperOrSameTypes
Array containing this type first and following all super types
Public propertySuperTypes
Enumerates over all real supertypes of this type Warning: You should not use this property, but SuperOrSameTypes starting from index 1, because Enumerators in .NET are quite slow!
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public methodCreateEdge
Creates an IEdge object according to this type. ATTENTION: You must call SetSourceAndTarget() before adding an edge created this way to a graph. This is an unsafe function that allows to first set the attributes of an edge, as needed in efficient .grs importing.
Public methodCreateEdge(INode, INode)
Creates an IEdge object according to this type.
Public methodCreateEdgeWithCopyCommons
Creates an IEdge object according to this type and copies all common attributes from the given edge.
Public methodGetAttributeType
Returns an AttributeType object for the given attribute name. If this type does not have an attribute with this name, null is returned.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public methodGetFunctionMethod
Returns a function definition object for the given function method name. If this type does not have a function method with this name, null is returned.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public methodGetProcedureMethod
Returns a procedure definition object for the given procedure method name. If this type does not have a procedure method with this name, null is returned.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public methodIsA(Int32)
Tells whether this type is the same or a subtype of the given type
Public methodIsA(GrGenType)
Checks, whether this type is compatible to the given type, i.e. this type is the same type as the given type or it is a sub type of the given type.
(Inherited from GrGenType.)
Public methodIsMyType
Tells whether the given type is the same or a subtype of this type
Public methodSetSourceAndTarget
Sets the source and target nodes of the edge after creation without. Must be called before an edge created with CreateEdge() is added to the graph.
Public methodToString
Returns the name of the type.
(Inherited from GrGenType.)
Public fielddirectSubGrGenTypes
Array containing all direct sub types of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public fielddirectSubTypes
Array containing all direct sub types of this type.
Public fielddirectSuperGrGenTypes
Array containing all direct super types of this type.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public fielddirectSuperTypes
Array containing all direct super types of this type.
Public fieldsubOrSameGrGenTypes
Array containing this type first and following all sub types.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public fieldsubOrSameTypes
Array containing this type first and following all sub types
Public fieldsuperOrSameGrGenTypes
Array containing this type first and following all super types.
(Inherited from InheritanceType.)
Public fieldsuperOrSameTypes
Array containing this type first and following all super types
Public fieldTypeID
An identification number of the type, unique among all other types of the same kind (node/edge) in the owning type model.
(Inherited from GrGenType.)
See Also