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IEdge Interface

A GrGen edge (arbitrary direction)

Namespace:  de.unika.ipd.grGen.libGr
Assembly:  libGr (in libGr.dll) Version: GrGen.NET 6.7
public interface IEdge : IGraphElement, IAttributeBearer, 
	ITyped, IDeepEqualityComparer, ICallable

The IEdge type exposes the following members.

Public propertyItem
Indexer that gives access to the attributes of the attribute bearer.
(Inherited from IAttributeBearer.)
Public propertyReplacedByEdge
The edge which replaced this edge (Valid is false in this case) or null, if this edge has not been replaced or is still a valid member of a graph.
Public propertyReplacedByElement
The element which replaced this element (Valid is false in this case) or null, if this element has not been replaced or is still a valid member of a graph.
(Inherited from IGraphElement.)
Public propertySource
The source node of the edge.
Public propertyTarget
The target node of the edge.
Public propertyType
Returns the EdgeType of the edge
Public propertyValid
This is true, if the element is a valid graph element, i.e. it is part of a graph.
(Inherited from IGraphElement.)
Public methodApplyFunctionMethod
Executes the function method given by its name. Throws an exception if the method does not exists or the parameters are of wrong types.
(Inherited from ICallable.)
Public methodApplyProcedureMethod
Executes the procedure method given by its name. Throws an exception if the method does not exists or the parameters are of wrong types.
(Inherited from ICallable.)
Public methodClone
Creates a shallow clone of this edge. All attributes will be transfered to the new edge. The edge will not be associated to a graph, yet. So it will not have any assigned variables.
Public methodCopy
Creates a deep copy of this edge (i.e. (transient) class objects will be replicated). All attributes will be transfered to the new edge. The edge will not be associated to a graph, yet. So it will not have any assigned variables.
Public methodGetAttribute
Returns the attribute with the given attribute name. If the attribute bearer (type) doesn't have an attribute with this name, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
(Inherited from IAttributeBearer.)
Public methodGetUniqueId
Gets the unique id of the graph element. Only available if unique ids for nodes and edges were declared in the model (or implicitely switched on by parallelization or the declaration of some index).
(Inherited from IGraphElement.)
Public methodInstanceOf
Returns true, if the typed object is compatible to the given type
(Inherited from ITyped.)
Public methodIsDeeplyEqual
Returns whether this and that are deeply equal, which means the scalar attributes are equal, the container attributes are memberwise deeply equal, and object attributes are deeply equal. (If types are unequal the result is false.) Visited objects are/have to be stored in the visited objects dictionary in order to detect shortcuts and cycles.
(Inherited from IDeepEqualityComparer.)
Public methodOpposite
Retrieves the other incident node of this edge.
Public methodResetAllAttributes
Resets all attribute bearer attributes to their initial values.
(Inherited from IAttributeBearer.)
Public methodSetAttribute
Sets the attribute with the given attribute name to the given value. If the attribute bearer (type) doesn't have an attribute with this name, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
(Inherited from IAttributeBearer.)
See Also