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IDeepEqualityComparer Interface

An interface to be implemented by classes whose objects can be compared for deep attribute value equality This excludes structures with shortcuts and cycles (acyclic and cyclic graphs), only classes without further nesting, or lists, or trees are supported.

Namespace:  de.unika.ipd.grGen.libGr
Assembly:  libGr (in libGr.dll) Version: GrGen.NET 6.7
public interface IDeepEqualityComparer

The IDeepEqualityComparer type exposes the following members.

Public methodIsDeeplyEqual
Returns whether this and that are deeply equal, which means the scalar attributes are equal, the container attributes are memberwise deeply equal, and object attributes are deeply equal. (If types are unequal the result is false.) Visited objects are/have to be stored in the visited objects dictionary in order to detect shortcuts and cycles.
See Also